A Fresh Perspective
Eric Avner
SVP, Community Development, The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation
The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation is now being intentional about applying an equity lens to its grantmaking initiatives. After attending Racial Equity Matters Phase 1, Eric Avner became much more aware of what his Foundation was investing in and began tracking how the organization’s funds were being put into the community. The training gave him a fresh perspective on our community and the need to support more Black-led initiatives.
Greater Cincinnati Foundation is on a mission to build a community where everyone thrives. By providing a space for honest conversations about the root causes of systemic racism and identifying ways to address them, we are becoming stronger together. Over the past three years, nearly 2,500 local participants have attended a Racial Equity Matters session and eight out of ten attendees credit the training with giving them a stronger set of tools to analyze the ways systemic racism affects their life and their work.
To register for an upcoming Racial Equity Matters session, visit: gcf.devphase.io/rem