GCF for Business
Aligning business and philanthropic goals
GCF leverages a business’s corporate philanthropy, non-cash giving and employee engagement programs to create community impact while enhancing its brand and bottom lines. GCF offers a range of customized philanthropic solutions including:
- Corporate donor advised funds
- Specialized and corporate funds
- Employee engagement and giving
- Scholarship funds
- Executive donor advised funds
Impact through Strategic Philanthropy
Our team of experienced professionals help create a customized plan that meets a company’s philanthropic goals, ensuring lasting results. Businesses like Procter & Gamble, Paycor, Gorilla Glue, Skyline Chili and The Motz Group have relied on GCF to help define charitable goals and execute philanthropic programs.
GCF helps Paycor launch and administer its Community Impact Fund to harness the power of its employees and take the impact of their collective giving to the next level.
GCF philanthropic experts work with business owners and their professional advisors to fulfill their charitable goals with a variety of tools and solutions including non-cash assets giving.

Gifting Business Assets
Amplify your impact through non-cash assets giving. GCF can help you find the optimal way to use privately held C-Corp or S-Corp shares, real estate or other non-cash assets to fuel your charitable giving.
The Procter & Gamble Company has partnered with GCF for its corporate charitable giving since 2007. GCF handles the day-to-day administration, and P&G oversees all philanthropic and grantmaking strategies as well as recommendations for all funding. Over the years, the relationship has expanded to include special initiatives like the P&G Take on Race Fund and specific brand philanthropic strategies, like Tide Loads of Hope.
In 2022, GE Aviation reignited the distribution of eight high school graduate student scholarships from the Greater Cincinnati African American Scholarship Fund (GCAASF), administered by the GCF. GE partnered with Procter & Gamble and other local companies in 2002 to create the GCAASF. The fund originally awarded scholarships to more than 230 local students at 83 different universities between 2002 and 2014.